Thursday, May 22, 2008


Edmonia Lewis (1845?-1911?) was the first Black female sculptor to gain fame and recognition.
Born Mary Edmonia Lewis on July 14, 1865, to a black father and part American Indian, Lewis was raised as a Mississauga Indian with the culture and values of the Chippewa Nation after her parents died when she was around ten. She and her brother were known as Wildfire and Sunrise, respectively.

Her brother financed her prep school education with wealth from the California Gold Rush, and also an education at Oberlin College beginning in 1859. While there, she excelled at drawing. When a teacher at Oberlin lost some paintbrushes, Lewis was accused of the theft. She was also accused of attempted murder when two girls fell ill after drinking mulled wine, which Lewis allegedly served them. Although acquitted of both charges, she was not permitted to graduate.
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