Saturday, October 11, 2008

Embracing Hope or Fear? I choose Hope!

Has the breaking point come? Has McCain realized that the tactics that were used against him in 2000 just aren't going to work this time and is he back peddling on his whole, "Who is Barack Obama" theme of his campaign?

I hope so. The last couple of weeks have been bittersweet for me for many reasons. I'm so very glad Obama is surging in the polls but to hear people yelling such things as "Terrorist" at McCain/Palin rallies it puts a rock in my stomach. The first feeling is crushed by the latter and I fear that the downward spiral of McCain's campaign was not only going to lose but bring a dark cloud of cynicism and hate across our whole Country.

The other con to Obama's soaring numbers is the plummeting stock markets and the failing banks. As we witness our fellow kossacks lose their jobs everyday and hear their stories, I wonder how dampened my joy is going to be by the sorrow of seeing this amazing Country crumble around me. That is what scares me the most, more than Obama losing this election right now is the idea that what made America great is being lost as I type.

There is hope of course. There is hope in the faces of the children who embrace our next President. There is hope in the faces of the elderly who see a new beginning for this troubled Nation. There is hope everywhere I see Obama and so much anger and despair where I see McCain/Palin. At what cost people?

In the immortal words of Mr. Welch , "Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?". Or actually, should it really be, as I wake to the news that Palin denies any wrongdoing in her actions as Governor of Alaska, "Have you no sense of decency, Mam, at long last?".

Yes, you are a decent man Senator Obama. I see that in the embrace of these children, your warmth and your humanity. I see your grace and your power in these embraces. They symbolize that we all need a hug now and again and that we need each other if we are going to get through this, without fear and without hate. Thank you, Thank you for the tone of your own campaign and thank you for continuing to fight for all of us. I will be forever grateful.

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