Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Mic Is On: They're Turning Into a Lynch Mob!

I hope yesterday was the low-water mark of civility in the MCain/Palin campaign, but I'm afraid that McCain and Palin may be heading down a dangerous path and that they do not know where it ends. They may actually be 1 step away from being the rallying leaders of a lynch mob. Their inflamatory speech is metaphorically asking their supporters to bring tar, feathers, pitchforks and torches.

Let's look at yesterday's scary developments, as Sarah (dressed in white)rallied the crowd.

- Palin supporters shouted nasty epithets at reporters and an African American AV technician.

- Palin made totally unfounded and inflamatory suggestions that Obama is a terrorist or is at least friendly toward terrorists and that he doesn't see the country the way you and I do (wink wink).

- In response to the obove comments, one Palin supporter yelled "Kill him!"

- Palin was introduced by a shaved headed sheriff who denounced what might happen on election day if Barack Hussein Obama is elected.

- McCain asked rhetorically and impregnated with pejorative meaning "Who is Barack Obama?" One McCain supporter yelled "A terrorist!"

- In an interview with Bill Kristol, Palin raises Reverand Wright and Bill Ayers and states that we should be talking about this more. Both old news. Both debunked.

- Palin questioned Obama's patriotism.

- The McCain campaign announces that they are abandoning discussion of the issues, as the Dow drops 800 points intra-day.

What is the intention behind all of these things? Do they actually think that the Presidential candidate on the Democratic ticket is a terrorist and hates America? They must know that is not true. But cynically they are preying on fear, racism and division and hoping that some of this mess that they are flinging will stick. Of course, McCain and Palin both have enough mess in their past that should preclude them from being qualified to throw, but that won't stop them.

This is dangerous and I'm a little afraid. Don't underestimate the ignorance of the wingnut supporters. First it is one person yelling "Kill him." Then another yelling that Obama is a terrorist. Where does that lead? Mobs of angry wingnuts looking for violence? Voter intimidation at the polls? Out of control Lying and smearing and intimidation?

The shocked look on McCain's face yesterday when that person in the crowd yelled he's "a terrorist" said it all. He recoiled as if he never expected to hear something like that. It was the look of a guy who just realized that he might have just gone to a dark place he didn't want to go to.

Is this where our civilized nation has gone? When one party risks losing an election, they pull the political equivalent of nuking the gameboard?!?!

I'm concerned about what comes next. I think that McCain and Palin may be knowingly or unknowingly becoming the leaders of a fear-mongering, racist, verbally-threatening mob and it's up to them to reign this thing back in before they become the leaders of something disturbing. That may sound like an exaggeration , but yesterday, their campaign trail literally saw fear-mongering, racism and verbal threats. So how much of an exaggeration is it? My mic is OFF

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