Friday, October 3, 2008

My Mic Is ON....Thom On The V.P. Debates

My problem with the whole debate last night is this:

If I am going on a job interview, I do not have the luxury of walking into the meeting and telling the interviewer, "I may not answer the question the way you want to hear, but I'll just let you know my track record."  They would say, "Thanks, and there's the door."  Sarah Palin walked in to the debate, and did just that.  I quote, "I may not anwer the question the way you want to hear, but I'll talk straight to the American people and let them know my track record."  This is not a "free to be club", this is a debate with rules.  Basically she said, Gwen and Joe, I am going to stick to my script and answer the questions that I have prepared.  If your questions don't fit in here with what I've got, then I'll answer my own questions, and she did just that.  Sarah Palin doesn't seem to get it.  It has been 30 days since she was introduced to us, and yet she and her camp of handlers do not think that we have the right to ask our own questions of a person that could presumably be the next President of the U.S.!  Last I checked, this was a democracy, but the Republicans have the attitude that we shouldn't ask, the media shouldn't ask, and any question is considered "Gotcha Journalism".  Give me a break.  We have had almost 2 years to pick and poke at Obama, and within 30 days, you want us to make a decision on Sarah Palin without being able to properly interview her?  America is not that careless and stupid.  If sticking to a script is her strong suit, she should pursue an acting career, and not the Presidency.  This is not a movie, but we are dealing with peoples lives.  I don't want "Joe six-pack" in the White House. I don't want ordinary.  I want extraordinary, and I am not getting that with the McCain-Palin ticket.  Just as she waltzed in there and made a mockery of the debate by trying to make her own rules, is this the "Maverick" style that she and her running make keep tooting?  So does Maverick mean you abuse your powers?  She sure is a Maverick then.  I see that there must be some susbtance to the Troopergate case in which she abused her powers to fire her ex-brother-in-law from the state troppers.  Maverick is when John McCain said that George Bush should just take the 1 trillion dollars without Congressional permission and just bail out the economy.  We've seen this "Maverick" style with Dick Cheney.  He does whatever the heck he wants, and you better not challenge him.  You know what? This "Maverick" style sounds more like a "Loose Canon" to me, and we can't have that reckless disregard in Washington.  I don't want a scripted figure head, karaoke, fake, soundbyte machine, ventriloquist dummy running my country.  We want substance.  Vote Responsibly.  My mic is OFF

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with all you've said, however, although we have "democracy" in this country, I think the "mavericks" such as Bush and all the rich/influential bodies in this country have gotten away with murder and we've (the minority but also the majority [in race and class]) allowed them a free pass to do so.

1. The things the McCain/Palin ticket has gotten away with, wouldn't have happen with the Obama/Biden ticket. Obama went through all sorts of criticisms to get to this point. Palin on the other hand is allowed to dodge reporters, read from scripts, lie about the facts, complain about our "mistreatment" of her family and image, and we are so quick to say 'lets give her a break'. No one gave Obama a break.

2. Some Americans are ignorant (some plain stupid), may not care enough about what's going on in the country, and don't stay informed, and as a result are quick to believe whatever is placed before them without doing their own research.

3. Some Americans are selfish and don't realize that the poor and middle classes don't benefit at all from the top/down approach. Even if they don't realize, I think some of them just don't care about people less fortunate than them.

4. Finally, RACISM!!! Had Obama been black, I'm sure he'd have more supporters than he does now.

In summation, I really hope Americans wake up and smell the coffee because McCain/Palin will only bring disaster upon this country. Mavericks are reckless and we certainly don't need a president with such a personality.