Thursday, September 25, 2008


As we draw closer and closer to this year’s election, the McCain camp keeps finding crazier and crazier distractions to avoid discussing issues with the American people.

A “maverick” by definition is irresponsible. A “maverick” is rushed and careless in his judgment. A “maverick” is unstable. Indeed, a “maverick” is a self-professed gambler who swings for the fences . . . damn the consequences.

What has become increasingly obvious throughout this campaign is McCain’s habit for reckless behavior. Sadly, in a media consumed with the “sport” of politics, but not the issues, McCain has attempted to divert our attention away from one disturbing quality of the “character” he likes to run on . . .

That McCain lives DOWN to the political caricature painted for and by him. . . That his decisions and actions have more to do with sustaining his cherished “maverick” nickname than actually solving our nation’s problems.

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