Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Caught Up: Michael Phelps? IS THAT YOU??

So we all know that Michael Phelps got caught smoking the Mary Jane, Chronic, Buddha Thai. He has since said he was sorry for it.

And while there was some concern over the future of Phelps' endorsements and ability to compete in the 2012 Olympics, it looks like things will more or less be okay, even if his dignity is left a little bruised.

At least when it comes to Speedo and Omega.

Phelps sponsor Speedo released a statement saying, "In light of Michael Phelps' statement yesterday, Speedo would like to make it clear that it does not condone such behavior and we know that Michael truly regrets his actions. Michael Phelps is a valued member of the Speedo team and a great champion. We will do all that we can to support him and his family."

And the luxury Swiss watchmaker released a statement saying, "The current story in the press involves Michael Phelps' private life and is, as far as Omega is concerned, a nonissue."

As far as the Olympics are concerned, under World Anti-Doping Agency rules, Phelps is held to their standards only during competition. The International Olympic Committee said, "Michael Phelps is a great Olympic champion. He apologized for his inappropriate behavior. We have no reason to doubt his sincerity and his commitment to continue to act as a role model."

What Phelps really needs to do is reconsider who his friends (and his enemies) are, DON'T BE STOOPID! This should be a lesson to all.

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