Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Joy of "Just Friends": A Messy Blessing?

I found this post, and thought it quite interesting.  I delves into friendships in the church between men and women that aren't romantic.  Is that possible?  What do you think?

For six years, Dennis and I have been best friends. Our relationship isn't at all romantic—a fact most people don't understand. We've had to set aside society's assumptions that we're a couple and just live out our God-given friendship. While I treasure our friendship, it's also one of my most difficult relationships ever.

Inter-gender friendships certainly aren't for everyone. I know several women who tried such friendships, and they usually ended when one person developed romantic feelings and the other person still desired non-romantic friendship. The relationship won't work if God hasn't designed it.

Dennis and I have striven to accept our differences while learning from one another. We've also set spiritual and physical boundaries. Even with these efforts, we've had to decide several times if we could continue working and growing together as friends. Through those situations, I learned how to communicate my feelings, and he learned how to listen and try to understand my view. Because I've discovered so much about men through my friendship with Dennis, I'll be a good wife one day.

To those pursuing an inter-gender friendship, I suggest determining true motives and sincerely seeking God. Both parties must have a strong sense of their identities in Christ, and the will to live by God's guidelines.

Hmmm. Friendships are cool, but close friendships can be difficult, but not impossible to keep focused. Would you agree?


R. Colson said...



Anonymous said...

Renaud, I concur.