Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Black History Spotlight: CLARA LUPER: FIRST "SIT-IN" PROTEST!

Clara Luper started the civil rights battle in Oklahoma and in 1958 she led the first “sit-in” in the United States and succeeded in integrating public facilities in Oklahoma. In august when Obama accepts the nomination for president it would be the 50th anniversary of the nations first sit in. How fitting, Luper recently said “It was my daughter Marilyn’s idea,” as she sat in her eastside home with her son Calvin. Calvin Luper was 12 years old. His sister Marilyn was a year younger. Portwood Williams Jr. was 15. Donda West — mother of Kanye West — was barely 5. There were 11 other children as well.

It was the first and longest sit-in protest of the civil rights movement. Momentum grew quickly. Two days later, the children numbered 34. Days later, there were 66 youths involved. Within weeks, that eating establishment was successfully desegregated.

For the next three years, the group expanded to numerous others throughout the state’s capital city. Source
It all started when she took the kids to perform a play ironically called Brother President: The Story of Dr. Martin Luther King, in NY. On there way up the bus driver took the northern route showing the kids integrated cities and towns. On the way home they stopped at placed that practiced segregation. They started seeing signs for COLORED ONLY and the hunger pains of a long ride kicked in.

Calvin Luper said. “Then Marilyn suggested that she go into Katz Drug Store and order a Coca-Cola.

“We had no idea it was going to go national. All we were thinking about at the time was a hamburger and a Coca-Cola.”
It is these stories of young people who didn’t know any better, who were just fed up that changed a world. 5 dollar gas, 4 dollar milk, and pay checks that are too small to pay all of your bills. The time for change is now. I believe Obama is the candidate for this change. I am trying to raise 2008 dollars for his campaign if you can donate anything, a dollar, 5 dollars or ten dollars it will be greatly appreciated. thanks.


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