Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Lately I have been listening to the way folks around me speak, and I really think people could use a “slang” make-over. Yeah, yeah……. We all know about "Little Foxes" slang and alla that stuff where you're sustituting curse words (which I think is bad for Believers) but I'm not really talking about those overt violations. I'm taking about day to day "lingo". We all know that some folks simply shouldn’t use slang. Just the other day for the 3rd time, I had to let several of my colleagues of another color, know that “da bomb!” is dead and could they PLEASE stop saying it. No I am not the racial-word regulator but come on! These are the same people who had to be told when to retire “get jiggy with it”. Clearly slang does come in Black or White, but there are some people that should just know the boundaries to it ALL. I don’t think that one is not “Black enough” because they don’t use a lot of so-called “Black slang” either. If your white and you grew up in the hood, your just the white kid that lives in the hood. Same thing with Blacks in the ‘burbs., but I will save my thoughts on that for another day. My colleagues say “da bomb” and “jiggy” and 1994 type stuff cause they think they are connecting with the “urban” (see: BLACK) students. I know all certain aspects of our culture are being emulated worldwide, but there are just somethings I don’t want to hear coming out of my boss’s mouth. Again some people should simply not be allowed to say some things. Bosses, Preachers, Dentists, Grandparents, etc, should NOT be saying things like:


2. “That’s my bust-it baby” or "jump -off" - so,so,so,so,so stupid….NOBODY should be saying that actually.

3. “Baby daddy/mama” or any variation thereof - I hate hearing this and now white folk is using it! Just the other day I showed ya'll a post on this blog about Fox News calling Michelle Obama, Obama's Baby Mama!!!??

There are really just so many. What do you think? What do you hate to hear “certain” people say?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate when my boss says "my bad" or when they are happy about something they sing "go, go it's your birthday, we gonna party like its ya birthday." dumb