Thursday, April 10, 2008

Busted Like Beckham! Conspiracy Myth Busted??!

For all you who believe that only young black males are targeted for tickets, check this out:

Being David Beckham must have a lot of perks, but it doesn't mean being able to break the law!

The soccer legend was actually given a ticket by a police officer on Tuesday afternoon.

Did he not know who Becks was?????

David was cited for a traffic violation while attempting to make an illegal move near Sunset and Fairfax.

Hmpph...maybe with all that BLING, going on with that ESCALADE, they just may have thought he was one of our cousins!!, and then said, "Oh! David Beckham? I thought you were somebody else!" Then the officer looks around the car and says, "Is this your car Mr. Beckham? Kind of GHETTO don't ya think? Heh Heh Heh,,,license and registration please!"

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