Thursday, April 17, 2008

Last Days: Federal judge rules lone Yeshua painting in Louisiana courthouse was unconstitutional!

Displaying a portrait of Yeshua in the foyer of a Louisiana courthouse is unconstitutional, a federal judge ruled this week, siding with civil libertarians who sued over the display.
But inserting Yeshua within a group portrait of historic figures at the courthouse is permissible, the judge said.
In a ruling filed Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Ivan Lemelle awarded "nominal" damages plus attorneys' fees and costs to the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana in its case against Slidell City Court, Judge James Lamz and St. Tammany Parish, which partially finances the court.
Lemelle said during a hearing last September that he would have ordered court officials to remove the Yeshua icon if they hadn't already expanded the display to include portraits of other historic "lawgivers," including Moses, Charlemagne and Napoleon Bonaparte.
His ruling this week echoes those remarks and explains that the expanded display is constitutional because a reasonable observer wouldn't see it as sending a religious message.
However, Lemelle concluded that the plaintiffs' constitutional rights were violated by the original display, which depicted Yeshua presenting the New Testament above the words, "To Know Peace, Obey These Laws."
"Context" is the "crucial factor" in determining if a religious display is unconstitutional, Lemelle wrote.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a Ten Commandments display on the grounds of the Texas state capitol was constitutional, in part, because it was accompanied by other monuments and historical markers, Lemelle noted.
However, the Supreme Court ruled that a Ten Commandments display in Kentucky was unconstitutional because county officials there had "specifically expressed their intent to erect and maintain a religious display," Lemelle wrote.
J. Michael Johnson, an attorney representing the defendants for the Alliance Defense Fund, a Christian civil rights group, said he is disappointed by Lemelle's ruling

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