Monday, August 11, 2008

Burning Question: Should Christians Get Tattoos?

Q: Should Christians get tattoos? I want one, but my saved friends insist Scripture prohibits body art.

A: Christians getting tattoos is a timely and controversial topic. Google this issue, and you'll see opinions varying from "Go for it!" to "You'll go to hell for it." Many Christians have grappled with the tattoo question.

What does the Bible say?

Ink opponents typically ignore the verse that says God "inscribed" a picture of his people on his palms (Isaiah 49:16, NASB; the Amplified Bible says "tattooed"), and instead ominously quote another Old Testament verse: "You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord" (Leviticus 19:28, ESV). Understanding the context of the Leviticus verse, however, is imperative.

Yahvah gave this command to the Israelites around 1444 B.C. (right after the parting of the Red Sea) to forbid them from practicing the idolatrous customs they'd picked up in Egyptian captivity. Their captors had a nasty habit of slashing themselves to express grief and to appease their pantheon of imaginary gods. The Egyptians also tattooed their bodies with symbols of pagan gods. So Yahvah, the only true God, essentially said to the Israelites, I don't want you to practice those silly superstitions anymore. You're my people, and I love you. The heart of Yahvah's message isn't about body art, but about reminding the Israelites they belong to him.

Question really is, "Why do I want a tattoo?" "What significance will it hold?". If you want to get a "Yeshua Forever" tattoo, maybe there is nothing wrong with that. However, if you are getting a tattoo to draw attention to a body part, or your tattoo has some sexual meaning, or is symbolic of something carnal, then there may be a problem. Saints, avoiding tattoo parlors doesn't make you righteous—Yeshua's death and resurrection do! Always remember that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16; 2 Corinthians 6:16), you don't have to let other people's sense of religious propriety constrain you, however, you are a walking billboard of the power of Yeshua. Don't do anything that will obstruct that. Chose wisely, because you do not belong to just yourself, you belong to Him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anything done in excess is a sin, it seems there is a spirit behind tattooing these days. Whenever you see someone with a tattoo, its never just one, they always seem to have more than one and then they usually have too many piercings. I have never liked tattoos. This is just my personal opinion but I think it makes a beautiful girl look dirty , especially when she is all dressed up and you see this tattoo, like I said this is just my personal opinion but it cheapens her, it does not look classy or elegant. So there it it is . It may not be a sin but I cant help but wonder anytime I see someone with tattoos what kind of issues do they have or had? What were they on when they did it and wonder if they regret it now. Especially those who tattoo names of people they are no longer with, what a waste. Bottom line find another avenue to express yourself that is less self deprecating , that way you won't have regrets in the future.
a word of wisdom in Yeshua's name.