Thursday, August 28, 2008


Following her big speech, Michelle Obama sat down with Brian Williams to discuss speech-writing, child-rearing, the Bidens and connecting with Cindy McCain.
Regarding Monday’s speech:
“I don’t like last minute, so we sort of got our speech together about a month ago, actually. Got to sort of live with it, so those were my words so it was very easy for me to internalize it. Amazingly, getting up in front of a crowd is probably the easiest part of it after 19 months of hanging out with Barack Obama with 75,000 people could be at a time. You get used to the energy of the crowd, and I tend to feed off of that. And I try to stay focused on why I’m there and that can fill my spirit with the kind of authenticity, I think. I just try to let people get a sense of the real me as much as possible. So I just try to let go and speak from the heart.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful interview. I got a sense that she really was trying to open up and show who she really is, which made her look "normal". Her responses didn't seem cliche or scripted. OBAMA for President!!!